



Japan Finals & World Finals

Visibby was used as one of the staging elements for the GBWC
Japan finals on 19 November 2022
and the GBWC World finals
on 17 December 2022, which were broadcast live online.

VisibbY in the event was enjoyed by people in Taiwan,
the USA and all over the world,
as it enabled people to
easily send reactions and support for their favorites
from far away placesand beyond national borders.

  • Visibby QR codes and explanatory slides used during GBWC broadcasts
  • VisibbY stamps flowing over the video showing a large GBWC trophy figurine.
  • VisibbY stamps flowing over the GBWC 10th tournament slide at the end of the programme.
Visibby at GBWC

The GBWC World Congress implemented the display of
animated stamps, where the stamps are animated.

In addition, a fireworks symbol appears in the top right-hand corner
of the smartphone screen when the stamp is sent several times.

A bonus mode has also been implemented
whereby tapping the fireworks symbol allows fireworks
to be set off on the delivery screen.


December 17th, 2022
  World finals

※Extract showing the use of
Visibby for STAMP!

November 19th, 2022
  Japan finals

※Extract showing the use of
Visibby for STAMP!

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